Friday, July 20, 2012

A Date with Bloggers 2012: Part6 Cheng Ho Cultural Museum

Was quite busy with life and did not manage to continue the blog post on my Melaka Trip. So now lets continue with it and here is part 6 on Cheng Ho Cultural Museum. Hit the jump to read more about it.

On the 2nd day of my Melaka trip, the 1st stop was Cheng Ho Cultural Museum. I can say that its been a long long time since I visited any museum. This museum was quite awesome as I get quite a lot of info on Cheng Ho's visit to Melaka. Who is Cheng Ho you're wondering? He is one of the famous person which you will come by when you read up on Melaka's history. I'm not good at Melaka's history so no explanation will be done by me. :P
Here's just some of the photos taken within Cheng Ho's Cultural Museum. Do enjoy. (Not many photos of me, mostly is my gf... :D)

Breakfast served in the museum. Taste quite nice.

Finally 1 picture of me. :D

Stay tuned for part 7 which will be on Hainanese stuff.

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