It was our 1st year anniversary... I know its nothing big because many people had their 1st anniversary before already... but this is my only girlfriend which is willing to spend her precious with me... She's important to me and till now I really appreciate her... Just sometimes I couldn't do what she wants and always say I'll try my best... I am really trying to be the best for u... Thats why although that flower is very expensive... yet I still buy it... (not complaining o... :D)
Now I can forever remember this all thanks to my camera as without it I can only save this memory in my own brain and couldn't share it with anyone else... Happy moments are meant to be shared not just keep to yourself... Sometimes people see happy pictures, they will feel happy themselves.. I would really love to capture more happy moments with a new camera... The new PEN lite Olympus should be the best camera now for me as its new, small and even stylish... Should be easier for me to carry around compared to my bulky DSLR... I wish I could just get myself one and share it with my loved ones... Too bad that I'm just not lucky enough to own 1...

Thus for this Christmas I only wish that my wishes could come true and I could capture all my happy moments with my dearest "SWAN"